Hervey Bay has long had a large retiree population. BDB developed an expertise that is specifically tailored to providing legal advice to our seniors with issues specifically related to their care ,housing and succession planning.
Elder Law is about viewing the law through the prism and experience of ageing. There are many life events associated with ageing which may require a legal perspective.
BDB recognise that as we age, legal issues can arise that require legal expertise to resolve. In 2000, Larry Bell created our Legal Care for Seniors/Elder Law Department that is dedicated to providing Seniors with assistance in dealing with the legal and emotional issues concerning aging with dignity.
Derek Butler and Larry Bell (both foundation partners of BDB) provide:
Larry Bell Through personal experiences with friends and family members, Larry realised many years ago there was a genuine need for a legal service tailored specifically for Seniors. This may include delegating responsibiilty for decision making to loved ones or planning for Aged Care or assisted accommodation to provide for the needs of ailing relatives.
Larry has decades of experience in Estate Planning and his keen interest in the changes to this area of law led to his involvement in the Succession Committee with the Queensland Law Society.
Derek Butler, Notary Public & STEP Member has shared Larry's interest in assisting Hervey Bay Seniors and in developing expertise in Probate matters and complex estate administration in addition to the day to day care of client's needs in these areas of practice.
Derek and Larry & their team have a level of experience and expertise unmatched in the Fraser Coast Region. For more than two decades now they have been providing their service to the Seniors of Hervey Bay, a service based on personal attention, integrity and trust, whether you need assistance to move, to relocate your family, pet or work out a bond payment.
Marg Kummerfeld (also STEP Member) is well qualified to assist and act in the event of estate litigation being required to claim or defend a contested estate.
Thus the breadth of expertise at BDB covers all facets of Legal Care for Seniors.
We look forward to being of service to you and your family.